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What William Gillespie Knows: Keyhole Factory

Novelist and publisher William Gillespie weighs in on indie publishing, experimental fiction, why he didn't go the adjunct route, and together, we develop some new slang.

Did MOOCs Just Make Landfall? 10 Questions to Consider

It seems we may have another big, unpredictable storm close to home – MOOCs. They have been getting a lot of press this year, including another recent article from the New York Times.

EDUCAUSE and the Productivity Agenda

If I could choose one theme that I hope resonates with EDUCAUSE attendees this year it would be around productivity.

Fingers Crossed

Coming up on the election, I’ve got my fingers crossed. On the upside, at least the campaigns will be over. That little girl who cried about “Bronco Bamma” spoke a basic truth: we’re all tired of the ads. I can only imagine how bad it must be for people living in swing states. My state has some drama of its own, but it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion at the presidential level, so that has helped contain the madness. The folks in Ohio must be thoroughly sick of it all by now.

Professional Me versus Swimmer Me

I have some issues with Ethos, especially when I jump in the pool.

Teaching With Tablets

I love my iPad. I bought it this summer, and it’s still new enough that sometimes I just sit there, stroking the burnished metal of the back, and marveling about how neat it is to live in the future. One of the most awesome things about this tech, for me, is the fundamental ways it has infiltrated my teaching style.

#SAchat Gives Back, One Retweet at a Time

The #SAchat hashtag is the longest running hashtag for Student Affairs professionals. It is our digital cafeteria for 140 character conversations, informational postings, and a weekly chat. Sometimes it is easy to forget just how many people are connected via the now 3-year-old hashtag. Last week when Hurricane Sandy was wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, and the East Coast of the United States, Twitter was a gathering place for questions, support, answers, and connection.

Riding Out Sandy

Our Brooklyn neighborhood fared relatively well this week. We lost a lot of trees, phone and Internet signals were sporadic, and we didn't have subway service for several days, but we were basically okay. Several of our friends were not so lucky; they spent days without electricity, heat or hot water — some without running water at all — and started to worry about extended hunger, thirst and sewage problems. For some, the issues are ongoing.