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The NYTimes: A Remembrance

I'm going to miss the New York Times. Without the Times, I'll be a less informed educator, citizen and parent...

Ask the Administrator: Post-Tenure Review

Following up on yesterday’s post, a regular correspondent writes: In your latest blog post you lament the lifetime employment nature...

Drill, Baby, Drill?

I like tigers. The animal, that is, not the human variety that has cropped up lately. Amy Chua’s book “...

Breaking News: The State of the News Media

I have a soft spot for hard news. Every year, at around this time, I have students read the Society...

Math Geek Mom: The Discussion Continues

I usually enjoy reading comments to my columns, and my column from last week was no exception. I picked up...

NASPA: Technology, iPads, Twitter, Social Media, PLNs, and Kudos

As I write this post on a plane back to Oregon from Philadelphia I am struck by the immense amount...

Progressive Discipline and the Tenure Clock

In most non-tenure based settings, managers use “progressive discipline” to address many employee issues. Progressive discipline is the practice of...

Mater: De Facto et De Jure

“One baby, one book,” my adviser told me, when as an ambitious, twenty-three-year-old, Marshall Scholar at Cambridge University, I announced...