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What Else Is To Be Done?

Lenin famously asked “what is to be done?” The relevant question now is slightly different.

The Funny Man Returns

The funny man* drove down from Chicago last week in a rented jet-black Mustang, looking distinguished and prosperous in his subdued houndstooth jacket, dark jeans, and well-made loafers. It was fitting that the university was the last stop on his 12-city reading tour, since he did his undergraduate degree in English here 20 years ago and at least a couple of his former writing professors would be in the audience.

The Wait is Over: #NASPAtech is Here

Okay. I have a very large caveat for this post. This is personal. It's also professional. What can I say, I love what I do. It's a job that feels like art. The reason why I have a blog on Inside Higher Ed (IHE) is because of my personal/professional blog posts.

The Best EdTech Blogs Outside of the Academy?

This I Believe: That the distinction between an educator who works for a university and an educator who works for a company is meaningless. None of us would survive long if we failed to produce value.

Pursuit of happiness

It seems that women like me set a bad example for our daughters when we make decisions that sacrifice career pursuits for family balance. I’m still reeling over a CBC radio piece

The Tortoise and the Hare

As a veteran of many an industry advisory board meeting, this report really didn’t surprise me. A study from the National Bureau for Economic Research says that the income gains from specifically vocational majors (as opposed to liberal arts majors) peter out relatively early in life.

Locked In An LMS Mental Cage?

Our community has been discussing EDUCAUSE 2011 (both on campus and virtually), and one theme that seems to be resonating is the erosion of centrality of the LMS (learning management system). With LMS platforms increasingly built to integrate with Web 2 platforms, particularly Google Apps tools, the LMS no longer needs to be the "be all and end all" for learning, collaboration, and exchange.

A new film delivers a portrait of student activism at Argentine universities

Recent events in Chile have again drawn attention to student movements. Although current political activity is less dramatic in Argentina, the debate about activism at public universities in the media and public opinion has been sparked as a result of El Estudiante (The Student), a recently released independent Argentine film.