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Expert? Or Just Opinionated?

I have a friend who has been teaching and training for more than twenty years. He has a website where he’s a prolific writer on his area, is a frequent participant in online forums and debates, and is considered a valuable resource by his client list, which includes national organizations and various police/military personnel. We are both involved in the SlutWalk movement and he’s been instrumental in helping me understand social attitudes around rape culture, victim-blaming, self defence and the legal system. His influence has resulted in papers I’ve written, media interviews I’ve done around SlutWalk and my doctoral application research proposals.

Courses, Facebook, and Secret Groups

Our students are leveraging the the web and mobile apps to collaborate, share information, and study together. They are sharing online resources such as videos and learning objects Khan Academy, digital textbook resources, YouTube, iTunesU, and other open online education resources. Students are actively sharing information about study strategies and techniques designed to help each other learn the material and do well on quizzes, tests, and papers.

Enough with the Candy

My kids are always coming home with candy as a reward for meeting the minimum expectations. I want it to stop.

Deconstructing the Written Comprehensive Exam

The dreaded written comprehensive exam. Many graduate students will have to pass some form of comprehensive exam at some point in their program. This can often include putting together a multi-page grant-style project proposal. Putting one of these together can be a daunting process if you are unprepared. But have no fear, there are ways to make crafting a solid document far less painful.

Math Geek Mom: Individualized Instruction

There is a concept in math called “one to one correspondence”, in which members of one set may be matched with members of another set, so that each member of one set is matched with exactly one member from the other set. I thought of this concept lately when I found myself working one-on-one with several of my students as they struggled to master some difficult concepts from the class they were taking.

New name, new frame

David Roberts at Grist recently posted a good, if not entirely earth-shaking, analysis titled "Two reasons climate change is not like other environmental problems". His main points are that carbon dioxide -- the main greenhouse gas -- is not like other air pollutants in that it tends to persist, and that changes to climate -- once they take effect -- are effectively irreversible in any timeframe relevant to human experience.

Training for What?

Should a public college partner with a private company to train scabs?

Creativity in Six Words

It may be much harder to write a short paper than a long paper, but it’s much more interesting to tell a story – any story – in six words.