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An Education Potential for Google's Nexus 7 Tablet?

Dear Google. Congratulations on your release of the Nexus 7 tablet. At $199 bucks at launch you have done the first important thing - keep the costs down. The hardware specs seem reasonable, and I expect that the Nexus 7 will work really well as a media consumption and gaming device. My question to you, Google, is if you have thought about the Nexus 7 as an educational device?

Pride, Prejudice, and Publication

Just as the Bennet sisters had a season in which to find a spouse, academics have a season in which to cement their editorial couplings for the coming year. Each summer, hotel conference rooms and university campuses around the globe house those who write and those who edit as they perform a series of anxiety-ridden dances.

An Open Letter to Selective Colleges

Dear Selective Colleges, You know I’m a fan. I’m a proud grad of one of your number, and I’m glad to report that my community college has a strong track record of sending students your way, where they’ve done markedly well. So I’m writing this in the spirit of constructive criticism.

Apple's Employee Media Policy - Really?

A quick show of hands. Does your employer prohibit you from talking to the media?

Governing Board Structure and the University of Virginia's Fiasco

The question I'd like to pose is this: what is the most appropriate composition of university governing boards, not just for deliberating about moving forward, but also making potentially high risk decisions regarding policy setting, goal making, overall budgeting, and the hiring and firing of senior leaders?

Self-Fulfilling Cynicism

This piece in IHE was painful to read. It’s about being a sacrificial lamb candidate for jobs for which the internal candidate has the inside track. The author winds up asserting that there’s simply no point in applying for jobs when there’s an internal candidate, since the fix is presumably in.