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3 Questions for a Boston University $24K M.B.A. Alumna

Continuing the conversation with Kaplan’s Kaitlin Dumont.

Cover of Recoding America by Jennifer Pahlka

‘Recoding America’ and the Perils of Outsourcing Core University IT Capabilities

Why implementation skills and information technology leadership also matter in higher education.

Stacking Credentials

Does it pay off for students from low-income backgrounds?

The War on Children’s Culture

The corporate assault on children’s culture is only one of a number of threats to children’s well-being.

Supporting the Faculty Member Fearing Generative AI

The advent of generative AI has hit higher education with the force of an earthquake, deeply shaking many faculty members who have serious concerns for their careers.

3 Questions for Embry-Riddle’s Ronnie Mack

A conversation with an educator, connector, encourager and coach.

We Must Still Make Students Write

A response to Corey Robin’s retreat to in-class writing.

Creating an Evergreen Fundraising Communications Strategy

The time between campaigns offers a unique opportunity to focus on branding.