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Drama Mama: Wolves

Kids are mean in elementary school. They are mean in college. When I first began teaching I befriended many students...

Substance, and staffness

So, given my evolving understanding of issues of scale, have I lost sight of what Graham Cliff calls "the substance...

From the Departments

From the 'Signs of Hope' department: apparently, the top-selling vehicles in America for the last fifteen years have been trucks...

What FERPA Assumes

As a card-carrying administrator, I loves me some FERPA. FERPA is the privacy law that forbids us from discussing an...

Math Mom: June

June. Not the month bookended by May and July but a small, strong woman who runs marathons to raise money...

ABC's and PhD's: One long experiment

Before our first child was born we prepared to be parents in ways that academics always prepare for big projects...

The Class Must Go On

Every so often I read or hear about something so obvious, and so brilliant, that I actually get mad at...

Follow the money

So, the Warner-Lieberman bill is finally getting to the Senate floor, and (after managing to ignore it for the entire...