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Over the break I finally had a chance to read Higher Education?, by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus. It was...

ACPA and NASPA Consolidation update

ACPA and NASPA are the largest higher education associations for student affairs practitioners. With a total membership of almost 20,000...

Wait, I'm a What, Now?

“You’ve inspired me to want to become a professor.” This is what one of my students recently told me, in...

Thanksgiving Traveling in Siberia

Actually I only read Travels in Siberia , by Ian Frazier, Thanksgiving was in Virginia with my in-laws. This is...

Creeping commentary

My expertise is in education and I have tried hard to keep my blog focused on just that topic. I...

Debates Among Mothers

When a friend first alerted me to this article in the Wall Street Journal as possible material for this column...

Associations of universities and the deep internationalization agenda: beyond the status quo?

Do our associations of universities have the adequate capabilities, including infrastructures, to support the well-spring of 'internationalization' that is emerging...

But we like silos

I probably shouldn't have been surprised by the mid-career faculty member who didn't know her way around her own campus...