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Help Wanted: The Global University Idea

When I was on the InCommon Steering Committee, I wrote an article for EDUCAUSE Review imagining uses for the bridging...

Shared interests (really, I can stop anytime)

My son and I recently found a new interest to share. It’s not something artistic such as singing, or athletic...

Journal 11

Young woman arguing angrily with her mother in a grocery store in rural West Virginia, just last year: "Mom! Get...

Who the Students Are, Part 1

Over 90 percent of our online students aren’t online students. They’re onsite students who also take online classes. They use...

Academic Freedom: Whistleblower Protection?

Every month, I receive an email from Mary Churchill letting me know that my University of Venus post is about...

Why 'Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure' Will Prove Influential

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure by Tim Harford Adapt will be an influential book. I read lots of...

Get @GoogleChrome, install @ChromeDeck et al.

It was almost a year ago when I wrote a fairly controversial post about " Challenge and Tech Support." In...

Journal 10

A teenager and his siblings make a list of the common sayings of their parents: “Let me tell you…”; “When...