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Thoughts on Hiring Outside Academe

There's a thought-provoking piece in IHE this week by Charles Middleton, President of Roosevelt University, about hiring senior administrators from...

Math Geek Mom: Not so Happy Meal

Ok, so I admit it. I am not a good cook, and, on top of it, I spend a lot...

If you're going through San Francisco ...

... be sure to check your under-seat cushion, which can be used as a flotation device in the entirely likely...

Joyce Loses Legal Battle

As Stanford University reported a couple of days ago and Inside Higher Ed noted, the estate of James Joyce, headed...

Ask the Administrator: Buying the Cow

A semi-new correspondent writes: You mentioned having too few faculty for student advising... do you or would you use "adjuncts"...

Motherhood After Tenure: What makes a happy woman?

This week I’m teaching Frankenstein in a lower-level women’s literature course. Among the host of meaty issues, we discuss the...

The Hottest Ed Tech Company?

Techsmith is my choice for the hottest company in educational technology. Criteria: 1. Trajectory: The company's products and/or services are...

ABC's and PhD's: Time management and obsessiveness

A radio interview I heard yesterday completely derailed the blog theme I’d planned for this week (I’ll have to save...