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Ask the Administrator: How the Hell Do I Break In (and Out)?

A frustrated correspondent writes: I just stumbled across your blog and thought it would be worth a shot hearing someone...

In Praise of Grade Inflation

How many times have all of us complained about grade inflation? I'm guilty. You're guilty. We all do it. But...

Pattern perception

Over the holidays (and yes, I enjoyed them, thanks for asking!) we had visitors at the Rendell farm. Friends and...

Saving Alma Mater

As part of my bury-myself-in-books break, I finally got the chance to read Saving Alma Mater, by James Garland. Garland...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Happy New Year in Social Media

A week ago I was in a warm and well-appointed hotel room, embarking on a second day of conference interviews...

iSlate / iTunesU / Higher Ed

Since everyone is going crazy about the possible/maybe upcoming Apple iSlate tablet, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and...

Irrelevant Facebook

Facebook is moving towards irrelevance. OK, the numbers may not back up this assertion (see Facebook dethroning Google as the...

Back in the Saddle Again

I hope your Christmas break was restorative. A few highlights of ours: --The Boy scored his first gametime basket! As...