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Messy Lives

A big part of what I like about being a Registrar is bringing order to chaos. Whether it is tackling...

Should You Invest in a For-Profit?

In a 2/18/11 article in The Motley Fool, "Why I'm Staying Away From For-Profit Education", Brian Stoffel argues that: "In...

In the Teeth of the Evidence

One of the things we hope students will learn by seeking out information in the library and online is the...

Curriculum Above and Below

The outside world takes it for granted that colleges, particularly community colleges, should develop curricula to match the needs of...

Social Media Class Skypes with Internet Celebs

In higher ed, the unit of analysis that matters most is the course. We spend lots of time talking about...

Ode to a Bureaucrat

Governors' state of the state addresses inevitably feature soaring rhetoric, tough talk, and bold promises. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels's recent...

US 'Sham University' Creates Problems in India- and Raises Questions about Internationalization

If it were not so serious, it would be laughable. An American ‘sham university’ enrolled more than 1,500 students from...

Education vs. graduation

Two recent occurrences and a slightly less recent news story came together in my mind this morning. Occurrence #1 -...