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Ask My Readers: Grad School Admissions

An assiduous undergraduate correspondent writes: Is it actually encouraged to email prospective advisors at the schools to which you will...

Cheap Thrill

It's always a cheap thrill when psychiatrists - especially academic psychiatrists - turn out to be infantile, ridiculous people. An...

Bad Job, but Not Malpractice

Sherman Dorn has a thoughtful post up about the difficulties institutions have in dealing with faculty instructional practices that aren't...

Charity and Sustainability

I don't usually do followup posts, but this topic seems to need one. In higher ed, there's no such thing...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

This post's subtitle rewrites something Hamlet said: How all occasions do inform against me... Prose discloses. However much you think...

The Charity Shakedown

A long-suffering correspondent writes: My SLAC employer conducts an annual United Way fundraising drive. Earlier this fall, a letter was...


What are the odds? There was actually a staggeringly brilliant piece in the New York Times yesterday! (The piece is...

On the Town

I’m in Chicago, since Crazy Larry finally got me a comp ticket to the play he’s in. It’s a good...