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Mothering at Mid-Career: Divided by a single language

It's a commonplace to joke about the linguistic divisions between the English and Americans. We may share a language, American...

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

According to a release from the Center for Biological Diversity and associated groups, Dow has applied to test sulfuryl fluoride...

College Prep

Sometimes words don't mean what they seem to mean. We had a lovely vacation in a part of the world...

Career Coach: More on "Rules of the Wronged"

“Suzanne” posted a thoughtful response to last week’s column, objecting to my use of the term “victim bashing” to describe...

Musings whilst drying dishes

A few weeks back the family dishwasher went on the fritz. First, it started making horrible shrieking sounds. Then, whatever...

Last Chance to Get in the Game

Is there anything more frustrating than wishing you could play too? My little Wolfie, who's three, spends a lot of...

Math Geek Mom: Two Joes and Flo

While on vacation a few weeks ago, we had lunch at a unique restaurant just off the beach in Newport...

Long Distance Mom: Gay Pride

On June 28th I found myself picking up my two teenagers in New York City to spend the rest of...