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EchoSystem 4.0: HD and iPad

Full disclosure - I am an ECHO customer. We installed Echo360 to as a presentation capture system for the Master...

A Response to a Reader

What follows is a revised email exchange I had with a frequent commenter. I’m posting it here because I think...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Full Nest

While Sue O’Doherty prepares for the empty nest, I’m happy to have our nest refilled this week as our daughter...

The Future of Private Higher Education in Central Europe: Changing Political and Demographic Dynamics

Anyone interested in the global growth of private higher education (PHE) should have a closer look at the last two...

It's really not all about efficiency

Bill McKibben has an excellent piece in today's Guardian. His main point is that climate change is decreasing (has decreased)...

Ask the Administrator: Switching to a Single Income

A new correspondent whose wife, a teacher, is about to become a stay-at-home Mom writes: I have queried the Internet...

Creating a Degree for 10K

Governor Rick Perry of Texas recently challenged educators to offer degrees costing $10,000 ( A College Degree for $10,000). “He...

Spiderman: Turn on the Academic Parallel

Today was the day but it actually started last August. At that point in time, I purchased four tickets to...