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Cover of Ours Was the Shining Future by David Leonhardt

David Leonhardt’s New Book, a Call to Celebrate Every University Employee

Connecting the political and economic story told in Ours Was the Shining Future with universities as broad-based creators of jobs for all—especially the working class.

The Growing Public Disgust With the Ethos of Elite Private Universities

The causes and consequences of mounting public distrust of elite higher education.

Cover of Centers for Teaching and Learning by Mary C. Wright

Why Every Educator Should Read ‘Centers for Teaching and Learning’

The role of CTLs as catalysts, enablers and levers of organizational change.

An Ecosystem of Trust

Exploring digital credentials, governance and agency with ASU’s Trusted Learner Network.

Protest as Performance

Does performative activism work?

Your Institution Is Only Distinctive If Others Take Notice

Marketing leaders can help bring a needed market orientation to institutional strategy setting.