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The Invisible Horse

As an economics undergraduate major and subsequently a doctoral student, I remember studying World War I, especially the economic consequences...

Lessons the School May Not Have Intended

I did not plan to write about this situation at first, because it involves high school, not college. However, I...

#SAtech profile: @JoeSabado - Part 1

I like introducing the student affairs community to folks who identify as student practitioners who work with technology and/or have...

Non-academic employment

As folks were emailing me and I was noticing the pattern of conflation (what we do with where we do...

Groundhog Day: Being Off the Tenure Track

( Disclaimer: This is an honest post. I expect to be criticized because I am complaining. While I am grateful...

Too Long for Tweets, Too Short for Posts

- With all the technological advances of the last decade, why are we still using passwords? They’re both insecure and...

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

I am feeling a bit of cognitive dissonance. I just sent off a list of talking points for a board...

Math Geek Mom: Imposters?

OK, so Donald Trump found me out. His recent statement that "most economists aren’t very smart" made me realize that...