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Why an EDU Publisher Will Acquire Kaltura, ShareStream or Ensemble

In the next year we will see Kaltura, Ensemble, or ShareStream acquired by Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, or Cengage...

#SAtech profile: @JoeSabado - Part 2

Here is part 2 of my interview with Joe Sabado. Joe shared a wealth of information about student affairs units...

Major inflexibility

On the continuing theme of "what we're not able to imagine, we're very unlikely to do" -- One of the...

Ask the Administrator: Final Grade Windows

A regular correspondent writes: Apropos to the time of year... how long is it reasonable to expect faculty to turn...

Imagination and wisdom and waste

In my previous post, I noted that a lot of us can imagine the end of the world more readily...

Buying BlackBoard: Corrections and Extensions

I’m obligated to post two corrections to my April 27th blog, "Buying Blackboard." The errors were clearly mine; the errors...

The Balance

What do I stand for? We talk, write and read very often about how to we cope with this post-post-industrial...

The Wireless Chain

Reading Aerotropolis got me thinking about supply chains, cold chains (how food and flowers travel market to market), and lately...