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Math Geek Mom: Parenting and Teaching

When people learn that I am both a full professor of Mathematics and an Economist who studies the economics of nonprofit organizations, they are often confused. “What do you teach?” is the common question that follows, to which there is a quick answer, a short answer and a long answer.

Clippy’s Revenge

When did Microsoft Word become such a lumbering, bloated behemoth?


Inside Higher Ed reports on the predictable growth of MOOCs at America's leading universities, many of whose professors are as interested as UD was when she was approached by Udemy's Faculty Project (her MOOC on poetry is on its way to 250 students from around the world - far short of thousands, but we're just getting started here).

Foundations of Strategy, Part 2: Supply

As a continuation on the Foundations of Strategy theme, this post is about the supply of educational opportunities. In short, they’re exploding.

A Grander Bargain

For the foreseeable future, this blog will be the last in my little trilogy of comments related to a discussion last week with network, content owners and higher education folks in D.C. It is my proposal for a Grander Bargain.

Ask the Administrator: Making a Class Writing-Intensive

A returning correspondent writes: "I've been fortunate enough to be hired as a visiting instructor for one year at a small liberal-arts college, and I'm very excited to teach there. I will be teaching a class that I've taught several times before (basically an intro survey of my primary field of study), but the head of the department and I have agreed to make it a writing intensive class. This is throwing me for a loop."

Remembering My Students

I've taught for almost 15 years and just about 1251 students (give or take). How much of it do I remember? Quite a lot, actually.