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Responding to the Charge of Brainwashing Students

Saying that you can’t even get students to read the syllabus probably isn’t helping.

3 Questions for Michigan’s Caitlin Hayward

A conversation with the director of research and analytics at the Center for Academic Innovation.

3 Questions for Lance Eaton on AI-Narrated University Press Audiobooks

An audiobook conversation with the director of faculty development and innovation at College Unbound.

Have Elite Universities Become Too Student-Centered?

How to better channel their students’ idealism and energy.

What Emerging Leaders Need to Know as They Prepare to Be CMO

In part two of this series, we delve into four critical aspects that rising leaders should understand before taking on a top marketing role.

The Glories of the Human Voice

Why we should care about choral music.

A Conversation With Greg Britton on AI Audiobook Narration

Checking in with the editorial director at Johns Hopkins University Press on artificial narration for academic press titles.