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Watching trees grow

One of the questions that Greenback students often pose about carbon dioxide emissions runs along the lines of, "well, if...

Ask the Administrator: Jobs in Education Reform

A dispirited correspondent writes: I'm wondering if you have any words of advice for those of us who are interested...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Some Things I've Learned So Far This Semester

Today was a snow day of sorts and tomorrow's another one, so I'm feeling a bit behind. I've been thinking...

How Technology Fails My Grand Nannie

Grand Nannie is 92. She wants to be able to speak to her computer to have it do three things...

Dull Statistics, Unless You're One of Them

I probably never mentioned it, but I’m originally from Southern Illinois, a geographically and culturally unique region that’s been marginalized...

Faculty Blogs

At our mid-year commencement a few weeks ago, a faculty member I have known for many years asked me if...

Wisdom and Knowledge

In ninth grade, I had a wonderful, high-energy social studies teacher whose favorite exhortation was "wisdom and knowledge!" He'd usually...

A Manifesto for Vendor Webinars

One of my colleagues jokes that when she retires from her academic tech gig that she is going to start...