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What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 26 November 2011

What’s New With Our Writers: Janni Aragon spoke at the Occupy Victoria encampment on Sat, Nov 19th. She also attended...

Tertiary Education: A Global Report

Tertiary Education: A Global Report (by the World Bank's Education Advisory Service)

Long Distance Mom: Occupy the Holidays

After picking my daughter Katie up at the airport in Chicago and preparing to drive to Michigan for the holidays, I must admit that I first checked the web to see what the Occupy protestors are doing for the Thanksgiving holidays. Since so many protestors are college students, I wondered if they were headed home and dropping the protests for the weekend? It doesn't look like it! On the Occupy Chicago site I found that they are planning a People’s Parade tomorrow — “as an alternative to the corporate-sponsored event taking place on State Street.”

Post-Ph.D. Life

In the last ten months, I started a long process of getting used to the idea that my Ph.D. work is over. I am (finally) done and I can do nothing more – except to start another Ph.D. on a different topic, maybe. There is no sadness, no regrets, not even the feeling of fighting an addiction; but there is one question repeated over and over again: “Now, that your Ph.D. is done, what will you do next?”

Getting cultured

Our family recently attended a symphony concert. It was a matinee performance geared for families, and the sold-out concert hall was packed with moms, dads, grandparents, and squirrelly, dressed-up youngsters all eager to watch Bugs Bunny cartoons on a big screen with live orchestral accompaniment. A large, blank screen hung above the stage where the musicians warmed up and ran through tricky bits.

What Are Your Plans for All That Student Data?

One of the big trends for 2012 is sure to be educational data and analytics. As the year draws to a close, Knewton, Pearson, Grockit and now EverFi are all making their moves to build learning algorithms and student data models.

The Productivity Perplex

In the New York Times this past Sunday, there was a front page article on the inadequacy of law schools in preparing lawyers for the work they will do. The culprit? The faculty write too many law review articles, according to the reporter. If they were teaching (or even practicing law) instead of writing arcane articles they wouldn’t be so out of touch. The journalist cited a law review article on how few law review articles get cited.

NSSE, Peer-Driven Learning, and Getting Your Money’s Worth

Why do are students willingly miss classes, celebrating the canceled class?