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Making International Collaboration Work: Twitter, Gchat, Skype, and Google Docs

How do you balance working and living in different time zones? How do you make international collaboration work?

Ask the Administrator: Texting and Teaching

I suspect this one isn’t unique. A new correspondent writes: I teach at a community college and find that many of my students text in the classroom. My policy, which is stated on my syllabus, is that I ask students who use the phone to leave the class for the day. This doesn't seem to discourage cell phone use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

My 2 Failed Microsoft for Mac Experiments

2011 was the year that I tried some Apple and Microsoft mashups. They failed.

And a little child shall lead . . . the band

My first assumption was that this was produced unofficially, without the artist's knowledge or permission. I now think I was mistaken.

Two Monologues: Wall Street vs. Occupy Wall Street in India

On November 11-12, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) held a prominent conference in Delhi on Strategies for Expansion of Indian Higher Education. Listening to the discussions there (and at a very successful entrepreneurial private university near Delhi) made for a sharp contrast with the discussions I heard when visiting Indian public universities. Each side has its own strong storyline or worldview about higher education and appropriate policy for it. Simplifying on both ends, we can portray one side’s vision as close to Wall Street, the other’s to Occupy Wall Street.

States and Regions

Culturally and economically, Buffalo is closer to Toledo than to New York City. But Buffalo is part of New York State, and its legal and political realities reflect that.

Borrowing Library eBooks vs. Buying Kindle Books

I'm intrigued by this whole idea of borrowing Kindle books from my public library.

Mothering at Mid-Career: There and Back Again

Tolkien’s subtitle for The Hobbit, “there and back again,” is a not-so-subtle reminder that his protagonist — supposedly much like Tolkien himself — is not much of a traveler. While he makes the journey with the dwarves that restores their gold to them — and nets him the ring that sets The Lord of the Rings in motion — he would really, really, rather be at home than on the road.