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Collision Course: RWA versus Knowledge

Last week, two things were peppering my Twitter stream – posts about digital humanities from scholars attending the Modern Language Association and American Historical Association annual conferences mingled with expressions of concern and outrage over the introduction of the Research Works Act, a bill supported by the publishing association to which both associations belong. It just dawned on me (duh) that these two issues are a perfect demonstration of the collision course we’re on.

Cars and causes

This morning, as I prepared to walk from my car to my office, I noticed that I'd parked beside a Honda Civic with a label on its left rear side window. The label bore the word "econ" and a greenish symbol that reminded me of the EPA's official seal. When I looked at it closer, though, there was no explicit EPA tie-in, just the suggestion of one.

Translating Ed-Tech Issues Outside Education Circles

A look at some of the responses to my post on Tuesday about requiring all college students, not just CS students, learn to code. It's a good reminder of the ways in which we (or at least I) often fail to "make the case" for education technology issues when talking to non-educators and non-technologists.

Certification for Student Affairs Professionals

It was announced this week that ACPA had appointed a Student Affairs "Credentialing Implementation Team." Included in the announcement was news that "the ACPA Governing Board unanimously approved the creation of a professional credentialing program, to consist of a Student Affairs Register and Specialized Skill Certification."

Math Geek Mom: On Speaking Out

In Economics, we say that the prevailing price is the one that allows the amount of a good that is willingly provided to be equal to the amount of that good that is demanded at that price. This means that, in an economy such as ours, prices are determined by market forces and not by some centralized planner. I recalled this lesson from the first days of any class in a Principles of Microeconomics as I checked out of a grocery store the other day.

Teacher as Team Leader? Maybe.

In response to my last post, I received a thoughtful email from a colleague (an administrator) reflecting on the difference between managing and leading. This has been a theme for a lot of our on-campus professional development directed at faculty moving into administrative roles.

Growing Into the Role

If you had to apply for the job you have now, under current criteria, would you be qualified?

Long Distance Mom: 49 More Students

Aeron Haynie suggested that I start my column by admitting that my partner and I are trying to spend more personal, intimate time together rather that working so many late evenings. Unfortunately, my column is not about sex with my supportive partner, but about my heavier workload for this spring semester.