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Tales From The Tabs

It happens far too often. There are so many open tabs in Chrome that I can barely see the favicons all in a row at the top of my screen. Pondering a solution to this issue, an epiphany of sorts took place while walking outside (59 degrees in Boston, really?!) -- why not share some of the stories and items that I'm reading?

College in High Schools

Like many community colleges, mine offers some credit-bearing courses onsite in some local high schools that are just far enough way that it would be difficult for the students to commute. In some cases, we’re just renting space in the high school and teaching at night. Those cases are relatively straightforward; we pay a room fee and otherwise do what we would normally do. But sometimes the school district wants a 100-level class offered to its students, on its premises, during its normal school day.

ABC’s and PhD’s: Fame and failure

In a casual bedtime discussion on potential careers with my almost-13-year-old daughter, she recapitulated to me her long-standing intent to become a writer, a teacher, and a mother. But above all these aspirations, she admitted, she wants to be famous.

Sustainability's not a subject

As a signatory to the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment, Greenback recently filed an update to its public Climate Action Plan. But, title aside, the plan isn't just about climate, nor is the update.

EdTech Marketing and Social Media

If your PR people are spending most of their time reaching out to journalists (or even aghast bloggers), then your PR folks are underutilized. They should instead be spending most of their time training, supporting and coaching all the people (everyone) who work in your organization to join the marketing department.

Happy Digital Learning Day!

Today, February 1, is Digital Learning Day. As part of the celebration of all things digital learning, we here at Gradhacker are offering an invitation to our readers to participate with us. Check out these suggestions and resources so that you can celebrate Digital Learning Day with us!


I like this acronym, and so far, I like this law. The Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade (OPEN) is an appropriate response to the failed SOPA and Protect IP Acts.


President Obama used the term “value” in outlining the criteria he’d use, if he had his druthers, in allocating Federal funding to higher ed.