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The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet

Shameless hucksterism here: Tonight, Dan Solove, John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law George Washington University Law School, on The...

Bob Shacochis On a Worst-Case Scenario

Bob Shacochis, National Book Award winner, is one of those living writers I most admire. He’s had a colorful, adventurous...

Xu Xi Reads from 'Habit of a Foreign Sky'

Xu Xi, finalist for the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize, reads here from her novel Habit of a Foreign Sky...

Radio Free AWP Thursday Raffle Giveaways

As always, simply e-mail me (only once today—you can and should enter once each day!) at to enter. Today...

Thoughts on "Academically Adrift"

Still marooned by snow -- seriously, guys, the bloom is off the rose -- I had the chance to devour...

From Cost-Center to Profit-Center: Academic Libraries and the Corporatization of Higher Ed

From the archives - this post was originally published at on 2010.02.17. In library school, we librarians in training...

Long Distance Mom: Mystique Revisited

If you’ve been snowed in and have a little time on your hands -- as I do in Chicago —...

My Hopes for Capella U

Yesterday, I wrote about what I learned about Capella U. The discussion around the post was great - a challenging...