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Transfer as a Get Out of Jail Free Card

This piece in Salon has drawn some attention lately. It's a recounting of an academic advisor's usual responses to parents...

Working with Academics Who Have Migrated to Campus Tech Administration

Perhaps you have the good fortune of working with academics who have migrated from their disciplines and department into academic...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Another 'Summer Off'' Post

After Aeron and Susan’s posts about their summers, I feel like chiming in, though I’m a bit wary, given the...

Journal 14

At a party, Dr. S, a Chinese neurologist practicing in the Midwest on exchange. Young, funny, has also worked in...


The always-interesting Tenured Radical has a worthwhile post on the priorities that “development” (that is, fundraising) offices tend to have...

An $18 Million, 3 Year, Ed Tech Dataset Proposal

Proposal Overview: This project will develop and disseminate a representative dataset of anonymous information from U.S. postsecondary enterprise learning management...

Starting Strong: Your First Days on Campus

In the span of approximately three years, I started three new jobs at new institutions. So when my fellow UVenus...