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When do you stop being cool?

I just turned forty and began worrying about catching a terrible disease from my students. A good friend once clued...

10 Ideas to Lower University Press Book Prices

Thank you Tony Sanfilippo , Assistant Press Director at Penn State Press, for laying out the challenges faced by university...

Students in the streets: What's wrong with Chilean higher education? Part 2

This is part 2 of an earlier blog. After removing the Minister of Education two weeks ago, the Chilean government...

Hats Off

I am writing this blog in a hotel in Seattle. I picked the hotel because it has LEEDS certification and...

Parenting in a time of crisis

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I walked Ben to school as usual. On the way, also as usual...

What's New at University of Venus 10 September 2011

UVenus Around the Web: UVenus at The Guardian (UK) - Janni Aragon on mentoring: Academic Mentoring is Central to Professional...

Commercially contrariwise

I get daily newsletters from I generally scan the headlines, but often don't read the articles -- a significant...

The USA-Patriot Act Ten Years Later: Some Facts

[This section below follows an introduction to the overarching subject of privacy as a matter of law, social norms and...