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A friend and fellow academic from Monash University, Sunway Campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia recently came for a 4-day scoping...

Thoughts on 'Pinched'

Pinched, by Don Peck, makes me jealous as a writer. (Michael Lewis and Adam Gopnik have that effect, too.) It’s...

Looking Forward

As I write this blog on Labor Day, I am looking forward to the next day when fall semester classes...

"1493" and How We Teach History

Before I jump into an argument about how we teach history, I want to make we don't lose the point...

Going Back to Alma Mater

I spent the Sunday of Labor Day weekend touring our old campus with my college roommate, Nancy. This wasn’t the...

What's New at University of Venus - Week Ending 17 September 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Our friends at Hook and Eye gave a shout-out to our UVenus challenge in Faster Feminism...

Do We Need More Walled Gardens

When I first read about OKStateU - Oklahoma State University's (OSU) new social network, I was admittedly skeptical. Built using...

"The Threshold of Autonomy," by Tim Peters

Read the continuing adventures of Carl, recent college graduate and international traveler, by my favorite diagram-story writer, Tim Peters. Sure...