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Welcome Back and Happy Birthday!

We hope that your summer is going well and you were able to enjoy a rest in July just as much as us! Now we are back to work and ready for action! We at GradHacker have been so busy with thinking about the future, getting new authors and reading through amazing forthcoming posts that we completely forgot our own birthday. We are a little over a year old now, and have had such an amazing year!

They of Little Faith: College Presidents and Big-Time Athletics

If trust is one key coin in the realm of academe, then there is distressing evidence that many college presidents don’t have much faith that their peers at institutions with big intercollegiate programs are in control of these programs.

The Confab Rebellion

2012 has been a confabulous year. Sure, that's a made up word, but you can get past that, right? Here's the deal, our "traditional" conference structures are bending. In between the usual annual conferences and regional events, some atypical meet-ups are taking place. Sometimes we call them "confabs" and/or "unconferences," but they are different…and I think that's a good thing.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Colorado, the Olympics, and Children

I didn't write about Colorado last week. It was too recent, too raw. I didn't think I had anything to add. I saw memorials on FaceBook, Op-eds about gun violence and violent movies, and all I could do was nod my head. There didn't seem to be anything else to say.

Balancing Privacy and Helpful Attention

With online courses and new data systems on the rise, higher ed institutions are generating more data than ever before. While there are aspects of this movement that are truly promising, one reality is that we are making many assumptions about student behavior when interpreting some of this data.

Spraying for Narcissists

I’ve followed with interest the gradually-unfolding story from New Jersey about Peter Burnham’s fall from grace as former president of Brookdale Community College.

Visiolibriphobia: Fear of Facebook *

Call me crazy, but I am not on Facebook. That’s strange for somebody my age and stranger still for somebody who belongs to a group of writers here at UVenus who are masters at using social media.