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Everything Women Do Is Wrong, Continued

If you're female but not a mother, you can't be a truly great writer. On the other hand, if you are a mother, you are by definition selfish and entitled for also wanting to be a human being sometimes. At least, that is the takeaway I got from reading two articles.

Why Men Should Take Women’s Studies

Women’s studies courses were some of the most useful courses I’ve ever taken. Moreover, I can imagine them being incredibly useful for other men in management roles.

Following the Lead of McGraw-Hill's Brian Kibby

We can debate Brian Kibby's vision that higher ed should go completely digital in 36 months. Many of us have already commented on his essay "Digital Deadline", and I'm sure that you will have some strong opinions as well when you go back and read his piece and the subsequent discussion.

Unreality and reality

Sometimes you can learn things by watching "reality TV", so long as you keep in mind that it's not ... you know ... real.

Once Upon an Elitist SlutWalk

I recently attended a seminar hosted by Jack Zipes on fairy tale film research. It was an informal meeting where he showed us several obscure film clips on fairy tale interpretations and invited us to give our responses. It was a wonderful event offering interesting perspectives on familiar tales such as Cinderella and Blue Beard, and new insights into Red Riding Hood that I would love to work into my ongoing SlutWalk narrative.

Duke Admissions Would Like to Tell You a Story

When Cara Rousseau, social media manager for Duke University, emailed me about the new Duke University Admissions website, I was immediately intrigued. With a stated goal of wanting to "create a true-to-life Duke experience within the digital space" that focused on the "student voice and student-to-student interactions, the new site is mobile-ready and built upon quality storytelling.

Gradhacker Guide to Avoiding the Epic Hack

It is a truth universally acknowledged that where there's a hacker up for mischief, there are security settings just waiting to be breached. I have a begrudging respect for mischievous hackers: wherever the rest of us have been blithely accepting of whatever security protocols we don't read about in Terms of Service, they have figured out exactly how to exploit that for their own purposes.

Math Geek Mom: What the Senate Has to Say

I study the workings of organizations whose main purpose is not just to earn money, but to do something else. Just what that “something else” is has not completely been determined, and so the “objective function” of the nonprofit organization remains a “holy grail” for my sub-sub field that many continue to search for. I must admit that I am among those searching for this elusive model.