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Our Curriculum Is Not Whispersyncing

Have I told you how much I love audiobooks? Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the instant purchasing, lower prices, and multi-platform flexibility of Kindle e-books? Have we talked about our concerns about the ever widening gap between the curriculum and consumer content experience? Well, things have just gotten better. And things have just gotten worse.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Early Semester Check-In

So we've made it through the first two weeks of my semester, and the first week of Nick's. And what have I learned so far?

Andrés Bernasconi: The Profit Motive in Higher Education

Last year’s student protests in Chile had as one of its main targets the pursuit of profit in education. The argument defended by demonstrators and shared, according to opinion polls, by a large majority of Chileans, was that financial gain from education is morally illegitimate and ought to be legally banned. Most people seemed to believe that education cannot be, under any circumstances, a business enterprise.

Administrators and strategists

After talking to dozens (perhaps hundreds) of sustainability staff on a wide range of campuses, I've come to the conclusion that almost all of them fall into one of two categories: either they're administrators or they're strategists. (OK, that's a gross over-generalization, but when have I let a little thing like that stop me?)

Competing with “Free,” Part One

If credits are available for free, what will colleges sell?

A New Academic Year Begins

Reflections on the new academic year, online courses, the OECD's forthcoming Education at a Glance (2012), and international consortia of universities.

On Content Marketing

A stellar content strategy starts with creating quality content. Then social media can be used to subtly deliver the content, creating a much more powerful connection than the megaphone approach.

Community, Wellness, and Economy: It's What's for Dinner

So last year I was on a Fulbright in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Setting aside all good judgment I agreed to rent a room in an apartment with a group of “mature professionals and graduate students.” Because, conveniently, none of them were home at the time I visited—which was already the first of the month—I had no opportunity to assess for myself just how “mature” was being defined.