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Peter Swire and Type 3/5 Privacy Law

Yesterday the World Wide Web Consortium named privacy expert and the Ohio State University Law Professor Peter Swire Co-Chair of its Tracking Protection Working Group. With a stellar reputation and a mountain of integrity, Swire's appointment is as good a move as anyone can hope for in what is a technically complicated and politically contentious situation.

Grading Integrity II: Whose Responsibility?

Duty and delegation create a situation of conflict and consequences.

Advising, Thin and Thick

The headline to this article pretty much tells its story: “Student Advising Plays Key Role in College Success -- Just As It’s Being Cut.” It goes on to detail the rollout of an automated advising program at Arizona State.

Considering "Consider the Fork"

Reading Consider the Fork is somehow the perfect companion to watching "Downton Abbey," in that they are both very much an upper-class British experience.

Trees and trees

OK, so I've been in a bit of a funk lately. And my favorite Christmas decoration is the "Bah, humbug!" button my dame gave me years ago. But I can still enjoy the occasional Christmas-related news item, especially if it has a sustainability twist to it. Like this one does.

The Forgotten Side of Strategy

Last night we had an interesting discussion in our Strategic Management class on an important and often overlooked element of successful strategy.

ECPA: Again, and Again, and Again

This week the Senate Judiciary Committee will work on amendments to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, commonly referred to as "ECPA." When passed in 1986 it updated the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, the first "wiretap" federal law. This law codified procedures for the rule the Supreme Court established in the landmark Katz v. U.S. case that created a Fourth Amendment privacy right in electronic communications, telephony principally in that day. In my cheat sheet on different kinds of privacy law outlined in the last couple of previous blogs, this would be type 2 privacy law.

The Chronicles of Nonsensia: The Sad, the Infuriating, and the Incredible

If you’re in academia, chances are you’ve spent some time thinking about and discussing student writing. You may have found yourself enraged at something, or laughing out loud, running to share the hilarity with the nearest living being. Maybe you scribbled it down somewhere, or perhaps it seared itself into your brain and never needed to be written down.