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Dittos and Ditching Darkrooms for Digital

Readers of a certain age (ahem) will remember dittos. Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and photocopying was still considered...

Mothering at Mid-Career: The pseudonymous parent

I read a piece in the Chronicle last week about being a parent and an adjunct. Maybe you saw it...

Inside information #4 - Thumbs on scales

OK, so it's badly written, and the key section (at least from my perspective) is entirely ungrammatical, but McPaper recently...

The Beginnings of Self-Awareness

We're trying to raise The Girl to be a strong and independent woman, which, given her lineage, is a bit...

Drama Mama: Everything's Under Control

I’ve just had two weeks of faculty orientation activities and I am so tired I can’t see straight. Between the...

For Enervated Scholars

Our friend Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin says there are three kinds of exhaustion: “Exhaustion caused by muscular fatigue, exhaustion caused by...

MOTHERHOOD AFTER TENURE: Parenting a department

Yesterday I met with the new chair of my department to tie up loose ends, hand over some paperwork, and...

The Safety School Shuffle

With classes starting any minute now – I can see the dorsal fin in the water – the folks in...