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The Most Powerful Idea in the World

In William Rosen's masterful new book, The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention...

Embracing the Academic-Industrial Complex

The NYTimes may not be convinced that our academic leaders should serve on multiple corporate boards, but I'm a big...

Some Questions for Scitable

Have you checked out Scitable, a free online teaching/learning portal combining peer reviewed articles and teaching materials with social networking...

The $139 Kindle and the Academic Library

" If we give up on having library collections (digital or otherwise) and outsource access to and preservation of knowledge...

The Amazon Gorilla and the Future of the Academic Library

Great discussion around Scott McLemee's concerns around the power of Amazon and a superb list of the top 10 things...

Copyright Ruling + Online Video Platforms = Active Learning

Thanks to Tracy Mitrano for her synthesis and analysis of the new Copyright Office ruling that will allow us to...

Enterprise vs. Consumer Learning Technologies

The 7/22 article in the NYTimes, "Windows Upgrade Helps Microsoft to a Record Quarter," got me thinking about enterprise vs...

The Grown-up Brain and Us

What if the real purpose of education should be to prepare our brains to function well throughout our lifespan? What...