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Amazon's Cloud Outage and 7 Emerging Campus Tech Skills

Amazon's post-mortem of its late April cloud services (AWS) outage makes for fascinating reading. As higher ed accelerates our transition...

10 Questions from the Apple WWDC Keynote

1. What does it mean that I love watching these Apple keynotes online, but I have zero desire to ever...

4 'Spousonomics' Surprises and 1 Critique

Spousonomics: Using Economics to Master Love, Marriage, and Dirty Dishes by Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson Surprise 1 - Great...

Dear Paul Graham: Why Y Combinator Needs a Global Ed Tech Startup

Dear Paul Graham: I read about Y Combinator, your tech startup boot camp, in this month's Wired Magazine. With all...

The Essential Mobile Teaching (and Learning) Platform?

Thought experiment. You are teaching a course that has a significant online (distance) component. Your mobile platform will be used...

Immersed in 'The Art of Immersion'

The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation Is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories by...

5 Reasons Why I (Depressingly) Don't Miss the NYTimes

I love the NYTimes. I believe in the NYTimes. But sadly, and somewhat surprisingly, I don't miss the NYTimes. Since...

The Man Who Loved "The Man Who Loved Books Too Much"

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary...