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My $1,500 Tablet

My latest computer purchase is a Lenovo X201T Tablet. Around $1,500 - with 4 gigs of RAM and some other...

Our Carbonite Cloud Future

A company and service that I really like is Carbonite and its online backup service. I am actually a Carbonite...

'Intelligence' on an iPad

The last TV series that I sat and watched all the episodes straight through was the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC)...

My Media Consumption: Content, Format, Platform and Sources

Been thinking about my media consumption diet. What I consume, and what I do not. Below is a quick estimation...

Higher Ed and 'The Price of Everything'

What is it about economics (behavioral and classical) and psychology that generates great books for non-academic readers? Where is the...

Should You Invest in a For-Profit?

In a 2/18/11 article in The Motley Fool, "Why I'm Staying Away From For-Profit Education", Brian Stoffel argues that: "In...

Social Media Class Skypes with Internet Celebs

In higher ed, the unit of analysis that matters most is the course. We spend lots of time talking about...

For-Profit Higher Ed: 20 Questions

1. Who is doing comparative research on the for-profit educational sector and the professionals who work in this industry? 2...