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5 Things I Think I Know About Hiring

One of the problems with the whole Predictably Irrational oeuvre of behavioral economics / social psychology literature is that I've lost much of my confidence in my ability to hire well. Turns out, we systematically overestimate our own abilities - in everything from driving to teaching to blogging to (yes) interviewing. Like the children of Lake Wobegon, we are all above average.

Google: 1 Big Question and 2 Specific Requests

Where Google has real potential to make a difference in higher ed is not services, platforms or apps - but ideas. Google changed the economics information. A revenue model based on advertising and scale allows for (requires) the delivery of great platforms such as Google Apps, YouTube, Android, and hopefully Chromebook.

You are Crazy Busy

We are crazy busy. We get to work early. We eat lunch at our desks. If we manage to get home at a reasonable hour then the laptop comes open after dinner. E-mails to read and send. Documents to edit and compose. Presentations to prepare. Spreadsheets to crunch.

6 Questions I'd Ask Google's Education Boss

Imagine that you had the opportunity to spend 30 minutes with the person who runs Google's higher education business. What would you ask?

First Day, Open Office

All of my professional career I've had a room of my own. The ability to close the door. Floor to ceiling walls. A window. A desk. A round table and chairs.

Why You Improved "Too Big to Know"

Thank you Barbara Fister for your excellent review of David Weinberger's Too Big To Know, and to William Badke, Matthew Loving, Steven Paschold, Carl Hess, and Theron Snell for continuing the conversation about this terrific book.

8 Tips for Running Projects Outside of Your Expertise

Lately, I've had to become an expert at running projects outside of my expertise. I'm heading up a website project and a room A/V design projects, both subjects I know just enough about to be dangerous.

Evaluating Blackboard Ocho

Last week, Blackboard showed off its latest release of their core learning management system (LMS), 9.1 SP 8 - code named "Ocho."