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The New iPad, Constant Connectivity, and EDU Apps

The first thing that strikes me about the new iPad is the inclusion of 4G LTE cellular, in addition to 3G networks including HSPA, HSPA+, and DC-HSDPA. The assumption is that a combination of Wi-Fi and "two cellular antennas tuned to 12 different bands that access a larger frequency spectrum" will create constant web connectivity.

Why Every University Does Not Need A MOOC

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are getting lots of press. The 3/4/12 issue of the NYTimes declares that "Instruction for Masses Knocks Down Campus Walls". 160,000 learners participate in Stanford's AI course, which begets a whole new crop of MOOCs in everything from natural language processing to game theory.

Reactions To My First 'Unconference'

Today I attended my first unconference, a one-day event put on by NERCOMP on the learning management system (LMS).

Giving Away My Books (I Think)

I think that I'm ready to part with my most cherished physical books. Only a couple of years ago this thought would have been unimaginable. Books are the center of our culture, the core of my belief system, and the basis of my personal philosophy. I am a person of the book (literally).

Should Every Ed Tech Project Include a Revenue Model?

Should every idea come with a funding source? Every new project with new dollars? An accounting of the opportunity costs for doing this project and not that? A list of what we will not do if we do something else?

Is Writing About Books Bad for Reading Books?

This blog is called "Technology and Learning" - but maybe the word "Books" should also appear in the title. I write about books because I live so much in my head, and the books that I read form the mental scaffolding of my life. Some people learn by doing, I learn by reading (and writing). And I want to hang out with other readers. I want to know what other people who live their lives at the intersection of education and technology are reading. I want to read the same books as you, and spend time talking about what we are reading together.

A Request for More Books Like 'Zero Day'

The techno thriller is fast becoming one of my preferred fiction genres. Zero Day is a terrific beach book (or whatever the winter February school vacation equivalent is, the time period in which I interfaced with the book).

3 Reasons Why 'Going Solo' Will Be a Sociology Classic

Come Fall semester I predict that Going Solo will be on the syllabi of sociology courses across the land.