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"Gutenberg the Geek"

It's hard to not feel that we are passing through a post-Gutenberg (post-Gutenbergian?) phase. Hasn't the e-book, the Kindle and the Nook, killed its paper cousin? Surprisingly, the answer is no. In 2010 publishing revenue increased 3.1%, to a healthy $27.9 billion. E-book sales rose almost 40% from the year before, bringing in $1.62 billion in revenue.

March Madness Apps and Website: A Modest Proposal

This weekend I plunked down my $3.99 to watch the NCAA men's basketball tournament. Four bucks buys you access to every game. Watch on the web, or download the Android or iOS app for your iPad or iPhone (or mix and match). All 67 games on every screen, for less than the cost of a Starbucks venti caramel macchiato.

"Always On" Is Surprisingly Good

Always On is one of those books that I flirted with buying (downloading?) for a few months. Up until last week I could never convince myself to pull the trigger (add to the cart?).

What Higher Ed Can Learn from Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica announced today that it will cease publication of the 32-volume print edition. Going forward, the focus will be...

How Higher Ed is Like "Downton Abbey"

Are you a "Downton Abbey" fanatic? I finally succumbed after seeing The Onion headline that "Watching Episode of 'Downton Abbey' Counts As Reading a Book." That, and the fact that all my colleagues seem to be able to talk about is Downton Abbey.

Operationalizing 'Situations Matter'

Good on Sam Sommers, Tufts University psychology professor and blogger for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today.

5 Reasons To Spend $154 On Print News

Just renewed my subscription to The Economist. Academic pricing is $77 a year - and you can sign-up for 2 years at a time. A $154 hit on the credit credit card. Who says that print is dead? Who says that nobody will pay for quality journalism? Who says that social media is replacing professional journalism? Who says that we need to be able to tweet or comment on or share everything that we read?

Lamenting "The Third Industrial Revolution"

Jeremy Rifkin seems to be convinced that the world (at least the European world) is enamored with Jeremy Rifkin. Perhaps he is correct. Much of the The Third Industrial Revolution is spent recounting endless meetings with European Union technocrats.