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BbWorld 2012: Balancing Tomorrow's Opportunities with Today's Responsibilities

My conclusions from day one of BbWorld, after listening to a range of Blackboard leaders and managers, are as follows:

4 Goals for BbWorld 2012

Are you in New Orleans this week for the big Blackboard conference (or BbWorld as the company brands the conference)? What are your big goals for the conference? What do you hope to learn from Blackboard?

What A Surprise Bout of Video Editing Says About Our Post-PC Future?

We hear all the time that we are entering the "post PC era." Computers are out. Tablets are in. We will no longer be lugging around heavy machines with failure prone hard drives and bloated client applications. We will be carrying around thin and light screens (keyboard optional) that are portals to our cloud based apps and data.

The (Welcome) Death of Software Training

I'm calling it. The age of software training is dead. We should never purchase another application or platform for our campus that requires any workshops, documentation, FAQs, or dedicated support people. If software is not intuitive and simple enough for people to teach themselves to use it then that software is flawed.

Let's Rebrand The IT Department As The Collaboration Department

What would happen if the academic IT Department became the academic Collaboration Department?

The Disturbing Frequency of Presentation A/V Failures

Have you ever had an A/V (audio / visual) failure during a conference presentation? You are all ready to go with your talk and the projector will not work, the slides will not load, the audio is on the blink, your multimedia refuses to play?

6 Ways the iPhone Changed Higher Ed

This past Friday was the 5th anniversary of the launch of the iPhone. Over at the NYTimes Bits blog Brian Chen, author of Always On: How the iPhone Unlocked the Anything-Anytime-Anywhere Future -- and Locked Us In, has some observations about how the iPhone changed phone and software industries.

Ariely's New Book About Dishonesty

I'm trying to decide if the mounting evidence of our irrationality, poor decision making, and now even dishonesty is depressing or liberating. Reading Ariely's previous books meant accepting the fact that we will make bad decisions, and what we learn from his latest book is that given half a chance we will also lie about our actions.