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The Cost of Not Reading "The Price of Inequality"

An understanding of the causes and consequences of economic inequality may be one of the most important issues for any educated person to grapple with, yet the number of our students who read The Price of Inequality is most likely very small.

3 Ideas to Improve Amazon's / Audible's Whispersync

Whispersync is Amazon's new feature that allows for Kindle e-books and Audible audiobooks to sync up. This makes perfect sense, as Amazon owns Audible, and can leverage common platforms and accounts to provide a seamless reading experience across e-book and audiobook reading methods.

Please Stop The Social

Does it seem to you that every edtech vendor and educational software provider is pitching some new social tool? Yes, learning is social. We get it. But does your educational platform really need to be social as well?

How Can EdTech Academics Learn To Better Partner with EdTech Vendors?

One of the best aspects of working an academic technology gig is the opportunity to work with edtech companies. Even if you are a hardcore roll-your-own / build it local / open source / edupunk true believer, eventually you'll find yourself scouting around for an edtech vendor partner to meet your campus IT needs.

Why Reducing Faculty Stress Should Be An Explicit Goal of Academic IT

I hope that you will be able to join us on Monday, 9/24 for a discussion of the IHE and Babson Survey Research Group's excellent report Digital Faculty: Professors and Technology, 2012.

Scarcity and Blended Learning: Pushing Back on Saint Benedict

We learn in Kevin Kiley's 9/14/12 article "Bigger Picture, Smaller Numbers" that Saint Benedict’s president, MaryAnn Baenninger, has pursued a diminished enrollment / higher tuition / lower discount strategy rate to bring expenses in line with income.

How "Breakout Nations" Balances "The Growth Map"

Is it possible that I've become too enamored with Jim O'Neill's BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) concept? This summer I gave O'Neil's book, The Growth Map: Economic Opportunity in the BRICs and Beyond, a glowing review. Sharma's Breakout Nations has caused me to re-think, or at least question, some of my BRIC enthusiasm.

UVa: MOOCs, Revenue, Enrollment, and Blended Learning

Did you read Andrew Rice's terrific article in the NYT's this Tuesday, Anatomy of a Campus Coup, about the failed attempt to ouster president Sullivan from the University of Virginia? This well-reported article places the nasty fight between UVa's board and what ended up being UVA's academic community (in which Sullivan is well respected) within the context of the larger economic pressures facing higher ed.