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Ask the Administrator: President's Interviews

A regular correspondent writes: Like most places, our screening committees don't hire. They send a list of three candidates (unranked...

Ask the Administrator: Breaking Into Administration

A new correspondent writes: I'm having a tremendously hard time landing my first college staff Job. I'm a graduate of...


Last week I saw another iteration of something I still don't really understand. People who are perfectly civil in person...

On Writing in Public

As a rule, I don't write in public. It's too exposed, a little pretentious, and just not me. Besides, when...

Thoughts on Service

It's a measure of just how far behind I've been lately that I didn't get around to this story until...

Ask the Administrator: Tracking Doctoral Grads

An occasional correspondent writes: Recently, I've been thinking about applying to some PhD programs. As part of my research, I'm...

Ask the Administrator: The Case of the Phantom Policy

A Californian correspondent writes: I work at a California community college in two different positions. I hold a permanent 75%...

On Seeing My High School Friend Get Married

High School Friend on Right Ocean got married earlier this month, and it was a glorious day. He and I...