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An Open Letter to the City of Boston

Dear Boston, Although I mostly enjoyed my recent visit, I couldn't help but notice that some of your residents seem...


'Sustainability' usually refers to the environment, but I think it makes sense in referring to organizations, too. Some structures, cultures...

Governance Without Tears

Yesterday's IHE features a thought-provoking piece on the structural contradictions within shared governance. It isn't entirely successful, but it gets...

Today's List is Brought to You by the Letter 'R'

Recession Rescission Revision Review Realign Rethink Reorganize Retrench RIF Tune in next week, when the list will be brought to...

Mental Gobstoppers

When I saw the Gene Wilder version of Willy Wonka, I was taken with the idea of everlasting gobstoppers. They...

Grants and Plans

As direct operating subsidies are losing ground against our expenses, and becoming increasingly tenuous as tax revenues drop, we're turning...

Overheard at the Junior Lego League Meeting

The scene: an organizational meeting of the junior lego league, in the elementary school cafeteria. We're sitting at the picnic-table-style...

Merit, Mortgages, and Meltdowns

This is old news nationally, but I can confirm that locally, we're seeing a definite impact of the mortgage meltdown...