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Wise and worldly readers, I need the benefit of your varied experience. Have you been able to make a January...

Which Job Market Are We Talking About?

I had one of those moments of cognitive dissonance this week, when I was at a meeting trying to establish...

Clueless in Seattle

An alert reader sent me this story from the Seattle Times. It's about the hiring and abrupt firing, with allegations...

"Find the Money in the Budget"

If you want to watch a dean's eyes roll back into her head, just ask for something and tell her...


Maggie's post on temperament and leadership really gets it right – check it out. Although the term "servant leadership" creeps...

Ask the Administrator: VP's du Jour

This isn't a question, per se, but it's too good not to quote. A longtime correspondent writes (edited for relative...

Maybe I'm Jaded, But...

This story didn't surprise me. Having been on this side of the desk for a while now, I can attest...

In Praise of Boondoggles

I have the relative misfortune of following in the footsteps of some pretty good managers. Right now a brain-dead predecessor...