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While Rome Burns...

I'm too distracted by the election to put together a proper post, so this meme from Lesboprof came at a...

Thoughts on Student Government at CC's

Last week a reader from a college whose student government recently made a collective ass of itself wrote to ask...

From Chaos to Order

High School Friend on Right Ocean recently got a new provost at his university. He writes: What was interesting was...

Training Young Voters

Last week, The Wife decided that it was time to teach The Boy and The Girl about voting. She converted...

Second-Year Scholarships and Subsidized Slacking

Okay, I'll admit to being a sucker for certain kinds of ideas: they're usually 'what ifs' that involve upending a...

Ask the Administrator: An Interview Curveball

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently an adjunct ESL teacher, and I just interviewed for a full-time position in my...

Monday Musings

Things have been a little doom-and-gloomy of late on the blog, so it's time to lighten up a bit. A...


There was a time when I usually used the word "rocks" as a verb. Now it's very much a noun...