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Ask the Administrator: What Makes a Good Job Talk?

A new correspondent writes: I wonder if you'd consider posting a query to your readers about job talk expectations at...


The Boy and The Girl are hitting new milestones. Last week we took them to a local park, where Santa...

Ask the Administrator: Go or Stay?

A new correspondent writes: I am a graduate student at a state school with a pretty decent reputation. Although I'm...

Edifice Complex

Enough with the freakin' buildings, already. Apparently, the American Council on Education (along with some other groups) is wasting no...

"It's Just a Job" vs. "We're All in This Together"

Okay, I'm a little late to this party, but there's been a fascinating exchange in blogland between Tenured Radical and...

The One Way We Still Get to Hire...

is for grant-funded positions. But hiring for grant-funded positions is different than regular hiring. Grant-funded positions exist in a parallel...

Quote of the Day

From yesterday's New York Times article about the faculty at the New School passing a vote of no confidence in...

Buying Low

Apparently, the proprietary colleges are in the midst of another of their periodic booms, swooping in and grabbing students just...