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Just an Observation

Every once in a while, I drop by a nearby mall on my lunch break just for a change of...

Man Bites Dog

My cc has been getting an unusual amount of local press attention lately. The press attention has been largely positive...

The Boy's Letter to President Obama

The Boy wrote a letter to President Obama in class, and brought it home today. In its entirety: Dear Mr...

An Occupational Program We Can't Sell

In a passing conversation a while back with a colleague who routinely works with local employers, I heard that the...


More so than at any time in my memory, this downturn has brought plenty of discussion of furloughs as a...

Efficiency and Mission

A few days ago we got word of the latest round of state funding cuts. I've literally lost track of...

Things I've Learned from The Boy

A few days ago, we did a post-dinner Home Depot run. It wasn't terribly successful, and it was cold, and...

The Bookstore Conundrum

A returning correspondent writes: As a Ph.D. student who actually purchases most of the books on the required lists, I'm...