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  • With Hurricane Katrina headed toward New Orleans Sunday, colleges in the city closed campuses and evacuated students. Several colleges' Web sites were down, but of those operating, Loyola University's said that all students were being evacuated to Baton Rouge. Louisiana State University's Health Science Center in New Orleans announced that there would be no academic courses on Monday. The Baton Rouge Advocate reported that Tulane University will be closed until Thursday, and that Dillard University had evacuated students to Centenary College, in Shreveport. Many Louisiana colleges ouside of New Orleans also planned to close today.
  • Professors at top law schools give far more money to Democratic candidates than to Republican candidates, according to a study prepared for The Georgetown Law Journal and reported on in The New York Times. The article noted, however, that many of the most prominent conservative judges and legal thinkers are graduates of the law schools with liberal faculties.
  • The College of William and Mary has announced a new aid program that will cover all student costs for families with incomes of up to $40,000. Under the Gateway William and Mary Program, students will not be asked to borrow at all. William and Mary's move follows those of other public universities, such as the Universities of Michigan, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Virginia, to increase aid packages for students from low-income families.
  • Several board members at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey have conflicts of interest that are serious enough that accreditors are warning of possible violations of standards, according to The Star-Ledger. The newspaper said, for example, that one board member is the president of a company building a new dormitory at the university and another is managing parter in the law firm that arranged financing for the project.
  • College athletes are at high risk of getting skin cancer, but do little to protect themselves, according to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology and reported on by Reuters.
  • The Daily Egyptian, the student newspaper at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, published a series of articles about the experiences of a young girl whose father was a soldier in Iraq. While the articles moved many students and faculty members, the girl and her father both turned out to be fabrications. The Chicago Tribune exposed the hoax when it investigated reports of the father's death. The student newspaper has published an apology.

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