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  • Harvard University on Wednesday announced a $100 million gift for a joint Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology research institute on genomics. The gift doubles to the total support given to the institute by Eli and Edythe Broad.
  • The University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire has suspended a controversial policy limiting the religious activities of resident assistants in their dormitory rooms. The university announced the suspension Wednesday, saying that it had found inconsistencies in the way it was communicated. Eau Claire has been reviewing the policy amid complaints that it amounted to a "Bible ban." The university has said that the policy was designed to ensure separation of church and state, and that the review will now be conducted as part of a broader study of policies by the University of Wisconsin System.
  • The women's rowing team is suing University of Cincinnati, charging it with violating Title IX -- the measure that bars gender bias in educational programs receiving federal funds -- in spending on athletics programs, The Cincinnati Enquirer reported. University officials told the newspaper that improvements were coming in facilities for women's teams.


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